Post Hurricane María: Circumventing racism in our time of need

Art from Ricardo Levins-Morales

As we seek to circumvent disempowering FEMA, our own submissive colonial government, and the racist structures (by way of criteria, rules, policies and “benign” interventions) that come from the federal government, here is how you can help us at Colectivo Ilé support our people. We need to heal our bodies and our broken hearts with the best care and food available given the situation. If anything has been demonstrated during this crisis is that we need higher standards than the ones given to us out of charity. Solidarity, not charity, help us preserve our dignity in our time of need.

If you prefer to make a money donation, here is the link:

We also support the following efforts (and of course, there are other equally trustworthy in the Island):

For our address, and suggestions on how to package your donation, please send message to my inbox.

1. Water filters

2. Water purifiers

3. Non-toxic insect repellant (for adult and children)

4. Teas (medicinal, calming, energizing)

5. Coffee

6. Solar-Powered Lanterns

7. Solar-Powered led portable bulbs

8. solar-powered phone chargers

9. solar radios

10.Bio lite stove (solar stoves)

11.Activated charcoal (for immediate detoxifying)

12.tintures (echinacea, golden seal, valerian, saint John’s wort, and others)

13.First aid kit (including Neosporin)

14.Vitamins (for children and adults)

15.Ready-made nutritional shakes

16.Healthy Energy bars

17.Tooth paste (including some without fluoride) and tooth brushes


19.Peanut/Almond Butter

20.Mini Jelly preserves

21.Crackers (including some gluten free)

22.Salt/sugar and substitutes/spices

23.Pasta (including some gluten free)

24.Tomatoe sauce (not canned or in glass packaging)

25.Packaged spaguetti sauces (all kinds, but not canned or in glass packaging)

26.Tuna/chicken (not canned or in glass packaging)

27.dry mix fruits (with and without added sugar) and vegetables

28.dehydrated meat (turkey, beef…)

29.Cereal (including some gluten free)

30.Dehydrated milk (including some soy, almond, coconut or lactose-free milk)

31.Dry grains (beans, chick peas, lentils…)

32.Healthy energy bars (including some gluten free)

33.coconut/olive oil (small containers)

34.Dehydrated herbs for cooking

35.Dehydrated ginger

36.Cinnamon, cloves…

37.Non-GMO Organic seeds such as cilantro, basil, tomatoes, pepper, pumping, squash, okra, cucumber, green beans, water melon (be mindful that we are in the Caribbean)

38. Mosquito nets


Proclama del gobierno de PR sobre decenio afrodescendencia


Impacto Huracán María: Asimilando el shock, pero empeñadas en estos lentes antirracistas